Posted by: brittany marie | July 2, 2008

puedo dibujar por la gracia de dios

The opportunity to be in El Salvador is one that I will always cherish. It was exciting as an introduction to missionary life, but also refreshing for me as an artist. I mean, who would not like filling a sketch book with memories from a foreign country?


The last sketch displayed is of a bag of Pollo Campero. We had this for take-out one day…and it reminded me of KFC. However, the coleslaw really was not coleslaw, and I can say that because I have lived a good portion of my life in the south…and I know what real slaw is like. But our guide, Ramon, said that when we headed back to the states, we would see tons of families with these bags, taking them home.


He was right. I do not know why, but apparently Pollo Campero is a huge hit and people love it…enough so to carry it across borders.



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